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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Illegal immigration supporters' protest turns violent

From a Fox News report headlined, "Violent Scenes From Immigration Rallies":
The fight over Senate Bill 1070 took to the streets of downtown Phoenix, as riot Police were called to the Capitol to control an unruly group of protesters.
Witnesses say a group protesting against SB1070 began to fight with a man who was for the controversial immigration bill.

Police tried escorting that man away from the scene, fearing for his safety, when they too came under attack by people throwing items, including water bottles.

A young man was arrested during that melee.

Things calmed down moments later, but riot Police remained at the capital to maintain some sort of order.
Not only are illegal immigrants to be feared, so are those who support them.

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine that existing developed countries and economies would get a majority share of this pie and the rest would lose out due to factors and phenomena such as 'brain drain', amongs others.

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