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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

With China's help Arizona law can work

Journalist James Fallows has an interesting suggestion about how Arizona can effectively implement its new immigration law, citing his experience in China:
I typically did not see Chinese police asking for papers on a whim. Usually something had to happen first. Maybe soon the Chinese State Security apparatus can travel to Arizona and give lectures to local police and sheriffs. They can explain how to avoid going crazy with a new power that so invites abuse. "Civil Liberties: Learning from China" can be the name of the course.
China faces similar threats to the US, including illegal immigration and terrorism.  DOF agrees that we can learn a lot from our Chinese law enforcement counterparts.  

Accordingly, the agency has invited Prof. Xu Wei of Beijing University to give a lecture.  Prof. Wei will speak about how China has countered the threats posed by illegal immigrants along the China-North Korea border.   The event, co-sponsored by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, will be held on Tuesday May 11 at 20:00 hrs in the main auditorium of the DOF Center, Joseph R. McCarthy Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington D.C.   It is open to the documented public.

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