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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Army prepares to be at war indefinitely

National Defense Magazine:
U.S. forces are withdrawing from Iraq this year, and operations in Afghanistan are expected to wind down by 2011. Nevertheless, the Army is preparing for the likelihood that it will be at war indefinitely

A major institutional reorganization of the Army, which began in 2004, aims to realign all forces under a rotational model — similar to the one employed by the Navy and Marine Corps. Now the Army plans to institutionalize a rotation model that would give soldiers at least two, and preferably three, years at home in between deployments, said Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey [photo].
It goes without saying that if America did not face imminent and overwhelming danger, the army would not be preparing for an indefinite war.   This announcement provides compelling evidence that our deepest fears are well-founded.

When I showed Sec. Stag this news article, he commented: "To keep people scared, war must not be confided to any one place, nor should it have an end. The precondition for keeping Americans scared can be summarized in two words: 'limitless war'."

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