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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Terrorists monitoring Gulf of Mexico oil spill response?

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is a tragedy.  But imagine how much worse it might be next time should terrorists have an opportunity to study the impact and scope of the present disaster.    At this moment, terrorist cells may be seeking information concerning the operations of America's disaster-response capabilities.

Fortunately, our friends at Homeland Security have partnered with local law enforcement agencies and some private security firms contracted by British Petroleum.  Together, public and private security forces are keeping a vigilant eye out for suspicious activity in the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico coastline.   Overly curious or suspicious people are being stopped and questioned.  Raw Story (via 10%):
The photographer, Lance Rosenfield, said that shortly after arriving in town, he was confronted by a BP security officer, local police and a man who identified himself as an agent of the Department of Homeland Security. He was released after the police reviewed the pictures he had taken on Friday and recorded his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information. The police officer then turned that information over to the BP security guard under what he said was standard procedure.
In the wake of the recent natural disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, America's public and private security personnel must balance the freedom of the public to move about and photograph things against some vital national security interests.    In these dangerous times, the latter has to be given a lot more weight.

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United States Department of Fear