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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rebecca Wolf appointed Undersecretary for New Media

Honoured guests line up for security screening prior to entry into DoF Center for the ceremony.

Just a note to update you concerning an exciting development. On Thursday afternoon Dr. Rebecca Wolf was appointed Undersecretary for Community and New Media, a new position at DoF.

Rebecca graduated from Harvard University in 1992. After a four year stint at Goldman Sachs, Rebecca attended the University of Chicago where she earned a Ph.D. in economics. In 2004 she was recruited by L. Paul Bremer to serve as the Iraq Market Liberalization Liaison. Rebecca returned to Washington in 2005 where she worked at Treasury.

The appointment ceremony took place at DoF Centre in downtown Washington. Among the distinguished guests in attendance was former Vice President Dick Cheney, His Excellency the Columbian Ambassador to the United States, and Sec. of Fear Malcolm P. Stag III. A number of corporate vice-presidents attended, including Charlie Steele of Raytheon, Steve Gore of Northrop, Mark McCormick of BAE. Non-profit organizations represented included FreedomWorks, the Heritage Foundation, the Family Research Council.

Rebecca will be overseeing the future development of this blog, and our efforts to connect with the public through social networking. You can find Rebecca on Twitter.

Welcome to the team Rebecca!

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Dr. Rebecca Wolf
Undersecretary for Community and New Media
United States Department of Fear