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Monday, November 29, 2010

Lieberman: WikiLeaks has blood on hands in digital 9/11

On Sunday, Joseph Lieberman, the great senator from Connecticut tweeted:
WikiLeaks' deliberate disclosure of these diplomatic cables is nothing less than an attack on our national security.
DoF analysts, including our well-paid contractors in the private sector, have reached the same conclusion.   America is under attack by WikiLeaks. Taking their cue from leaders such as Lieberman, concerned Americans wonder whether "cablegate" could be the equivalent of a "digital 9/11."

America's staunchest allies overseas are concerned too:
  • Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini calls WikiLeaks the "9/11 of World Diplomacy."   (One of the cables suggested that Frattini's boss, Berlusconi, enjoys wild parties with Putin.)
  • Australia's Defense Minister Stephen Smith told Sky News, "This is an act which again one has no option but to absolutely condemn it.  It potentially puts national security interests and it puts the safety and welfare of individuals at stake."
Lieberman, in a statement, has further argued that:
By disseminating these materials, WikiLeaks is putting at risk the lives and the freedom of countless Americans and non-Americans around the world. It is an outrageous, reckless, and despicable action that will undermine the ability of our government and our partners to keep our people safe and to work together to defend our vital interests. Let there be no doubt: the individuals responsible are going to have blood on their hands. I stand in full support of the Obama Administration's condemnation of WikiLeaks for these disclosures. I also urge the Obama Administration -- both on its own and in cooperation with other responsible governments around the world -- to use all legal means necessary to shut down WikiLeaks before it can do more damage by releasing additional cables. 
Of course, when Lieberman urges Obama "to use all legal means necessary to shut down WikiLeaks before it can do more damage by releasing additional cables," the senator does not mean to preclude the president access to whatever extralegal means may be necessary.

US Representative Peter King, a Republican from New York and the incoming chair of the House Homeland Security Committee (which oversees the United States Department of Fear), has requested president Obama to "determine whether WikiLeaks could be designated a foreign terrorist organization." King wrote in a letter to Clinton that "WikiLeaks appears to meet the legal criteria, WikiLeaks presents a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States."

Malcolm P. Stag III, Secretary Fear, told Fox News in an interview this morning, "In the past WikiLeaks has sought to embarrass our national security establishment.  Now they have chosen to target our peace-and-diplomacy-loving wimps at the State DepartmentThough we may not approve their methods, they're our wimps."

"Something more than the reputation of America's leaders is now at stake," continued Sec. Stag.  "Nothing ought to be off the table in the War on WikiLeaks."

Craig Murray, a former British diplomat, writes on his blog, "These leaks will claim innocent lives, and will damage national security. They will encourage Islamic terrorism. Government secrecy is essential to keep us all safe. In fact, this action by Wikileaks is so cataclysmic, I shall be astonished if we are not all killed in our beds tonight."   


  1. Joe Lieberman represents Connecticut in the Senate, not New Jersey.

  2. Thank you KLP. DoF regrets the error.


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Dr. Rebecca Wolf
Undersecretary for Community and New Media
United States Department of Fear