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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Psychological perceptions basis for "Pervasive Insecurity"

The National Intelligence Council, which does the long-term thinking for our nation's 17 intelligence agencies, recently issued an important unclassified report entitled, "Mapping the Global Future."

The section entitled "Pervasive Insecurity" is well worth reading:
We foresee a more pervasive sense of insecurity, which may be as much based on psychological perceptions as physical threats, by 2020.  The psychological aspects, which we have addressed earlier in this paper, include concerns over job security as well as fears revolving around migration among both host populations and migrants.  

Terrorism and internal conflicts could interrupt the process of globalization by significantly increasing the security costs...
SecFear  Malcolm P. Stag III, interviewed by FoxNews about the report, commented: "DoF is dedicated to the proposition that psychological perceptions as much as real world events create a sense of insecurity."  Sec Fear added, "An atmosphere characterized by pervasive insecurity provides the most profitable context for any public appraisal of the security needs of the United States."

You can read the entire report here.

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United States Department of Fear