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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The October2011 Coalition Note

A self-described homeless man handed Easton Syme, a senior DoF official, a threatening note as he was getting off the Washington Metro on Monday.

According to the typewritten note, a group called October2011 Coalition is planning a "peaceful" occupation of the nation's capital from 6 October.

Origins of October2011 Coalition
Similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement, October2011 Coalition draws inspiration from the Middle East.  In fact, the Coalition embraces the same tactics Middle Easterners used to topple governments -- leaders friendly to the United States and its ally in the region.  Al Qaeda takes credit for the revolutions.

Why they hate us
It would appear that the ultimate aim of October2011 Coalition is to destroy the U.S. Department of Fear.  The letter, posted below, reads in part:
Stop the Machine! Create a New World!
What is the machine? Corporatism and militarism.
The note makes us cringe. Corporatism and militarism is our bread and butter.  Evidently the group hates the US Department of Fear and our corporate partners.  Sadly, there are some crazy, hate-filled people in America.

However, corporate America should not despair.  We have the force of arms on our side, the sheer quantity of might which makes right. In fact, we possess an almost unlimited capacity to frighten and inflict violence on those people we label as our enemies.   For example, watch our police terrorize and attack a group of protesters occupying New York City over the weekend:

Action plan
Upon being made aware of the October2011 Coalition note, Malcolm P. Stag III, Secretary of Fear, called an emergency meeting on Homeland Security.   At the meeting scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, high government officials will meet with corporate lobbyists to discuss possible avenues for funding new security initiatives.

October2011 Coalition Note
This is the "October2011 Coalition Note" itself:

Anyone with any information about October2011 Coalition is asked to leave a comment on this blog or contact the department on Twitter (@FearDept). 

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Dr. Rebecca Wolf
Undersecretary for Community and New Media
United States Department of Fear