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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Employment prospects for OWS sympathizers

Politico reports that our efforts to discredit Occupy Wall Street (OWS) have begun to pay off:
Conservatives looking to delegitimize the Occupy Wall Street protests have a new tactic — targeting journalists...

So far, both the Times and NPR have had to distance themselves from freelancers accused of getting too close to the protests, while MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan has come under scrutiny for leaked emails purportedly showing that he had helped the protesters shape their message.
The U.S. Dept. of Fear salutes NPR and the New York Times for caving to agents of our smear-machine, not hesitating to ferret out OWS sympathizers.   Both NPR and the NYT have issued statements suggesting that any targeted journalists will never work for these institutions again.  

On behalf of big business, TimeWarner CEO Jack L. Warner has issued a statement concerning the employment prospects of any persons suspected of being sympathetic to the Occupy Wall Street movement:

Is the message of TimeWarner CEO Jack Warner getting through?

Perhaps.  It was good to see CNN correspondent and anchor Erin Burnett ridicule OWS supporters in a recent report.  TimeWarner is, of course, the parent company of CNN.

Update: Oct 29, 2011 
Since we posted the above article, another journalist has been fired for associating with the #OWS movement!

"The Takeaway's general manager fired me over the phone, effective immediately," writes Caitlin E Curran (@cecurran), a Brooklyn based journalist who happened to be photographed holding a sign by a news photographer.    The Takeaway is a morning news program co-produced by WNYC Radio and Public Radio International.   

1 comment:

  1. Alissa B4.1.12

    Employers should never be this harsh (what, no warning?). It just might backfire on them. It's not easy to find your dream jobs Manila in these times.


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Dr. Rebecca Wolf
Undersecretary for Community and New Media
United States Department of Fear